Integrity Music was dealing with a complicated task in music licensing, especially when you try to combine all of its nuances into a single platform. With some clever data organization and user-flows, a product was created to allow users to not only request licensing for songs, but for musicians and production companies to gain better control over their licenses.

Design Lead Product Design Consulting


To build a tool that takes a very complicated, usually manual process and simplify it in the digital space.

Screenshot of Integrity Music's licensing platform application that includes various music licenses in a tabular layout.


Research and Challenges

Most research on this project came from learning about how music licensing was currently being handled. This was a part of their business that remained mostly offline with use of spreadsheets, phone calls, and very little centralized management. We listened carefully to the many types of licensing being used, pain points the client experienced day-to-day from their current process, and worked to create many user personas based on real life customers and their stories.

For our team, we were working to learn quickly about the very specific and nuanced music licensing world while simultaneously working through how we could turn this very manual process completely digital. We had many situations that required us to compile and combine many different scenarios into a single screen. This would take a lot of thought and discussion with the client as we didn’t want to get anything wrong.

Design and Development

We worked closely with the client through each step of the application—relying heavily on their expert knowledge of the music licensing space to create user flows and wireframes for the initial version of this product. As we moved forward, the wireframes quickly turned into hi-res comps. We would spend time on each screen to make sure as many common and edge cases would be covered and created several solutions for some extremely complicated requirements.

Screenshot of Integrity Music's licensing platform application that includes more music licenses in a tabular layout.
Screenshot of Integrity Music's licensing platform application that includes a license request screen featuring form fields to request a specific license.
Screenshot of Integrity Music's licensing platform application that shows a queue of license requests.
Screenshot of Integrity Music's licensing platform application that shows a bulk editing feature.

Results and Impact

The client uses this product heavily to this day and even with an international audience now. They have seen a dramatic increase in revenue from the amount of time and effort they save having this process in the digital space. Not only that, but this product has been successful in helping them gain more customers simply be making it easier for them to get the licenses they need quickly and painlessly.

Integrity Music’s digital licensing platform has been a huge hit with their customers and the client themselves.