Big Board Sports

Product Management Design Consulting

Big Board Sports is an "all-in-one platform for coaches, student-athletes and their parents to consolidate, connect, and communicate critical aspects of the recruiting and team management process."


Allow athletes, coaches, parents, and recruiters alike to connect throughout the athlete recruitment process.


Research for this project included discussions with stakeholders who had a deep understanding of the college athlete recruiting process. We combined our findings from them with in-depth research of competitor applications on the market to increase our understanding of unmet needs by these other services.


Using our research as a backdrop, we created in-depth user personas and stories that became the baseline for the application's feature set. Once we set our sights on the features to be used for the MVP, I began creating user flows for each of these features.

After user flows were understood and approved by the stakeholders, I began work on comps to begin bringing the application to life. These high-resolution prototypes were used to not only guide the application's development, but they were an integral part of investor pitches as well.

Challenges and Learnings

The world of athlete recruiting proved to be more complicated than I originally expected. This project required a lot of conversation and research about that world to help myself and the team better grasp the need for such an application. The lessons learned in the initial discovery phase were long and required patience, but it helped create a great product in the end.

Results and Impact

The application received an immediate core user base of student athletes and their parents, then schools and staffs began to join the platform as they saw how easy it was to manage their recruitment of these athletes. Big Board Sports continues to see growth and usage today.

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